
Update Structure Fire 03/20/2025 INC#0486

Update Structure Fire; INC#0486; 04:00PM; 13555 W Remington St;; #Pacoima; The single dog trapped in this partially-collapsed structure was rescued by LAFD USAR and is now safe. 3 other dogs were confirmed uninjured near the home this morning.; FS 98; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; AC4 AC40 AR19 AR5 BC12 BC14 BC15 DC4 E227 E275 E289 E298 E7 E75 E87 E89 E98 EA2 EM12 EM5 ER2 FR91 HE1 HE2 HM87 HR3 PI4 RA7 RA75 RA889 RA89 RA898 RA98 RS3 T27 T75 T89 T98 UA6 UR88 UR89; CH8; 17 18; Lyndsey Lantz
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KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire 03/20/2025 INC#0955

KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#0955; 01:36PM; 7979 W Hollywood Bl;; #HollywoodHillsWest; Knockdown in 20 minutes. 44 firefighters on scene worked quickly to protect structures surrounding the fire, as well as a hillside to the north. Two small spot fires on adjacent properties were extinguished, and companies on scene continue to assess for any further fire as a result of ember cast. No injuries reported, nothing further.; FS 41; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 4; AC2 AC20 BC11 BC14 BC18 BC5 E205 E227 E261 E27 E3 E61 E76 E82 E95 E97 EM5 HM95 HR3 RA861 RA97 T27 T35 T5 T61 UR27; CH9; 13 15; Lyndsey Lantz
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Structure Fire 03/20/2025 INC#0955

Structure Fire; INC#0955; 01:16PM; 7979 W Hollywood Bl;; Hollywood Hills West; First arriving companies report a 3-bay carport on the rear of the property, fully involved and threatening structures on two sides. Power lines are down in the rear. Offensive mode.; FS 41; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 13; BC18 BC5 E227 E261 E27 E61 E82 E97 RA861 RA97 T27 T61; CH9; 13; Lyndsey Lantz
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Update Structure Fire 03/20/2025 INC#0486

Update Structure Fire; INC#0486; 09:01AM; 13555 W Remington St;; #Pacoima; All apparatus are being moved at least 300 feet away from the collapsed house, at the request of LAPD Bomb Squad. LAFD has confirmed 3 dogs are safe outside, while 1 dog awaits rescue. No further information available on cause, which is under investigation.; FS 98; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; AC4 AC40 AR19 AR5 BC12 BC14 BC15 DC4 E227 E275 E289 E298 E7 E75 E87 E89 E98 EM12 EM5 FR91 HM87 HR3 PI4 RA7 RA889 RA89 RA898 RA98 T27 T75 T89 T98 UR88 UR89; CH8; 17 18; Lyndsey Lantz
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Update Structure Fire 03/20/2025 INC#0486

Update Structure Fire; INC#0486; 09:01AM; 13555 W Remington St;; #Pacoima; *NOTE: Patient age updated (24M)* LAFD PIO David Ortiz is now on scene to field media inquiries.; FS 98; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; AC4 AC40 AR19 AR5 BC12 BC14 BC15 DC4 E227 E275 E289 E298 E7 E75 E87 E89 E98 EM12 EM5 FR91 HM87 HR3 PI4 RA7 RA889 RA89 RA898 RA98 T27 T75 T89 T98 UR88 UR89; CH8; 17 18; Lyndsey Lantz
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Update Structure Fire 03/20/2025 INC#0486

Update Structure Fire; INC#0486; 09:01AM; 13555 W Remington St;; #Pacoima; *NOTE: updated address* LAFD personnel are now coordinating with USAR and LADBS to address structural integrity before firefighters access the collapsed home. LA Animal Services SMART Team notified for 4 displaced dogs, at least 1 of which remains leashed (but apparently unharmed) within the footprint of the building.; FS 98; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; AC4 AC40 AR19 AR5 BC12 BC14 BC15 DC4 E227 E275 E289 E298 E7 E75 E87 E89 E98 EM12 EM5 FR91 HM87 HR3 PI4 RA7 RA889 RA89 RA898 RA98 T27 T75 T89 T98 UR88 UR89; CH8; 17 18; Lyndsey Lantz
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Update Structure Fire 03/20/2025 INC#0486

Update Structure Fire; INC#0486; 09:01AM; 13556 W Remington St;; #Pacoima; Fire risk has been mitigated, and building collapse is the primary concern at this location. LAFD HazMat, LAFD Arson, LAPD Bomb Squad, LAPD Major Crimes, LA Building and Safety, DOT, DWP, and SoCal Gas are all en route to this incident. A family member has reported a total of four dogs potentially inside the structure. The critical patient (40M) is being transported to a local hospital. ; FS 98; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; AC4 AC40 BC12 BC14 BC15 DC4 E227 E275 E289 E298 E7 E75 E87 E89 E98 EM12 EM5 FR91 HM87 HR3 RA7 RA889 RA89 RA898 RA98 T27 T75 T89 T98 UR88 UR89; CH8; 17 18; Lyndsey Lantz
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Update Structure Fire 03/20/2025 INC#0486

Update Structure Fire; INC#0486; 09:01AM; 13556 W Remington St;; #Pacoima; 3 dogs have been identified in the partially collapsed structure -- crews are currently initiating extrication efforts. LAPD INC #1366 ; FS 98; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; AC4 AC40 BC12 BC14 BC15 DC4 E227 E275 E289 E298 E7 E75 E87 E89 E98 EM12 EM5 FR91 HM87 HR3 RA7 RA889 RA89 RA898 RA98 T27 T75 T89 T98 UR88 UR89; CH9; 17 18; Lyndsey Lantz
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Structure Fire 03/20/2025 INC#0486

Structure Fire; INC#0486; 09:01AM; 13556 W Remington St;; #Pacoima; Initial reports from scene indicate an explosion in a single family dwelling. One patient (approx 40M) in critical condition, burns noted. Structure has at least partial collapse and signs of explosion with light smoke. Firefighters on scene are in offensive mode and looking for further victims -- patient states no other human occupants were present, though pets were in the house. LAFD USAR resources have been attached, as well as LA Building and Safety. Fire cause reportedly fireworks.; FS 98; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; BC12 BC15 E275 E298 E7 E75 E98 RA898 RA98 T75 T98; CH9; 17; Lyndsey Lantz
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Update Media Advisory, Structure Fire 03/20/2025 INC#0326

Update Media Advisory, Structure Fire; INC#0326; 06:53AM; 1310 W 6th St;; #Westlake; LAFD PIO David Ortiz is en route to scene, ETA 9:15AM.; FS 11; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 1; AC2 AC20 BC1 BC11 BC18 BC5 E11 E20 E203 E209 E210 E211 E220 E227 E27 E3 E9 EM11 EX2 HE1 HE5 HE6 HM21 HR3 RA11 RA3 RA811 RS3 SO1 T10 T11 T20 T27 T3 T9 UR3 UR88; CH7; 13 14; Lyndsey Lantz
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