
Structure Fire 03/16/2025 INC#0603

Structure Fire; INC#0603; 10:24AM; 3700 S Western Av;; Exposition Park; Two-story, garden style apartment building with smoke showing. Firefighters located one patient in unknown condition. Firefighters are in the offensive mode with additional resources enroute.; FS 34; Batt 18; South Bureau; Council District 8; BC13 BC18 E15 E215 E26 E294 E34 RA26 RA834 T15 T26 T94; CH9; 13; Margaret Stewart
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KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire 03/16/2025 INC#0504

KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#0504; 09:33AM; 7970 N Woodman Av;; Panorama City; KNOCKDOWN: 40 firefighters extinguished the fire in 17 minutes with no injuries reported. The fire was contained to one unit on the first floor. Residents on the first floor, already in the hallway, were evacuated. The remainder of the building sheltered in place. Firefighters are conducting a smoke removal operation to ensure the building is clear. No further details.; FS 81; Batt 10; Valley Bureau; Council District 6; AC4 AC40 BC10 BC12 E239 E290 E39 E7 E81 E89 RA81 RA881 T39 T90; CH9; 17; Margaret Stewart
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Structure Fire 03/16/2025 INC#0504

Structure Fire; INC#0504; 09:16AM; 7970 N Woodman Av;; Panorama City; Three-story apartment building with fire in one unit on the first floor. Firefighters are in the offensive mode. ; FS 81; Batt 10; Valley Bureau; Council District 6; BC10 BC12 E239 E290 E39 E7 E81 E89 RA81 RA881 T39 T90; CH9; 17; Margaret Stewart
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KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire 03/16/2025 INC#0465

KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#0465; 09:08AM; 7801 S Broadway St;; Florence; KNOCKDOWN: 36 firefighters extinguished the fire in 18 minutes with no injuries reported. The fire extended into the attic of the boarded up structure. No further details.; FS 57; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 9; BC11 BC13 E233 E264 E33 E46 E57 E64 RA257 RA857 T33 T64; CH9; 14; Margaret Stewart
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Structure Fire 03/16/2025 INC#0465

Structure Fire; INC#0465; 08:50AM; 7801 S Broadway St;; Florence; One-story, single family dwelling with fire showing. Firefighters are in the offensive mode. ; FS 57; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 9; BC11 BC13 E233 E264 E33 E46 E64 RA257 RA857 T33 T64; CH9; 14; Margaret Stewart
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KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire 03/15/2025 INC#0482

KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#0482; 09:07AM; 642 N Cummings St;; Boyle Heights; KNOCKDOWN: 31 firefighters extinguished the fire in 24 minutes with no injuries reported. One story ADU (Accessory Dwelling Unit) behind a single family dwelling with fire which started in the crawl space and extended through the wall up to the attic. All occupants were safely out of the structure prior to LAFD arrival. ; FS 2; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 14; BC1 BC2 E1 E2 E201 E202 E4 EM1 HM21 RA2 RA4 T1 T2; CH9; 12; Margaret Stewart
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Structure Fire 03/15/2025 INC#0482

Structure Fire; INC#0482; 08:43AM; 642 N Cummings St;; Boyle Heights; One story, single family dwelling (house to the back of property) with fire in the basement and possible extension to the attic. Firefighters are in the offensive mode. ; FS 2; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 14; BC1 BC2 E1 E2 E201 E202 E4 EM1 HM21 RA2 RA4 T1 T2; CH9; 12; Margaret Stewart
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Structure Fire - Now Out 03/14/2025 INC#1186

Structure Fire - Now Out; INC#1186; 04:17PM; 1643 E 115th St;; #Watts; First arriving companies reported fire showing from an ADU, later identified as a shed, behind a single family dwelling. All fire extinguished in the shed in 21 minutes, with no extension to other structures. No injuries reported.; FS 65; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 15; BC1 BC13 E221 E233 E264 E64 E65 RA79 RA864 T21 T33 T64; CH9; 13; Lyndsey Lantz
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River Rescue - Victim Safe 03/13/2025 INC#0167

River Rescue - Victim Safe; INC#0167; 03:50AM; 330 LA River;; #BoyleHeights; One male victim was able to climb to safety via a ladder lowered over a concrete wall bounding the LA River. Victim is currently out of danger — LAPD will assume further scene management (LAPD INC #461).; FS 2; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 14; AC2 AC20 AO1 AO2 BC1 BC11 BC13 E14 E17 E202 E209 E210 E221 E227 E27 E3 E9 EM1 H1 H3 HA1 HA3 HM21 HR3 RA14 RA17 RA9 RA90 SC1 SW44 SW88 T10 T2 T21 T27 T3 T9 UR27 UR88; CH5; 13 14; Lyndsey Lantz
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River Rescue 03/13/2025 INC#0167

River Rescue; INC#0167; 03:05AM; 330 LA River;; #BoyleHeights; Companies are coordinating air, water, and ground resources in an effort to rescue a victim from a stationary but precarious position in a concrete alcove adjacent to the rising LA river. Crews are planning to utilize a high angle rescue.; FS 2; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 14; AC2 AC20 AO1 AO2 BC1 BC11 E14 E17 E202 E209 E221 EM1 H1 H3 HA1 HA3 HM21 HR3 RA14 RA17 RA90 SC1 SW44 SW88 T2 T21 T9 UR88; CH5; 14; Lyndsey Lantz
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