Update Structure Fire 03/20/2025 INC#0486

Update Structure Fire; INC#0486; 09:01AM; 13555 W Remington St; https://bit.ly/4236O5d; #Pacoima; *NOTE: updated address* LAFD personnel are now coordinating with USAR and LADBS to address structural integrity before firefighters access the collapsed home. LA Animal Services SMART Team notified for 4 displaced dogs, at least 1 of which remains leashed (but apparently unharmed) within the footprint of the building.; FS 98; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; AC4 AC40 AR19 AR5 BC12 BC14 BC15 DC4 E227 E275 E289 E298 E7 E75 E87 E89 E98 EM12 EM5 FR91 HM87 HR3 PI4 RA7 RA889 RA89 RA898 RA98 T27 T75 T89 T98 UR88 UR89; CH8; 17 18; Lyndsey Lantz
