
Structure Fire 03/18/2025 INC#1232

Structure Fire; INC#1232; 04:56PM; 7730 N Fulton Av;; #SunValley; First arriving companies report fire showing from a 2 story ADU under construction in the rear of the property. ; FS 89; Batt 14; Valley Bureau; Council District 2; BC10 BC14 E102 E239 E260 E7 E81 RA102 RA989 T39 T60; CH9; 18; Lyndsey Lantz
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Structure Fire - Now Out 03/18/2025 INC#1186

Structure Fire - Now Out; INC#1186; 04:46PM; 1200 S Grand Ave;; #SouthPark; 7 story modern apartment building with alarms activated -- first arriving companies confirmed a fire in one unit, held in check by sprinklers. Firefighters coordinated interior fire attack, ensured no extension to adjacent units, and initiated salvage operations to prevent water damage to floor below. Knockdown in 18 minutes by 28 firefighters working on scene. No injuries reported; one cat rescued. ; FS FS 10; Batt Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District Council District 14; T10 E210 E10 E210 T10 RA10 E9 T9 E209 RA209 HM21 BC11 BC1 ; CH9; 12; Lyndsey Lantz
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KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire 03/18/2025 INC#0783

KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#0783; 12:41PM; 3700 S Ocean View Av;; #MarVista; An apparent sweat solder operation in a room remodel produced fire in a wall, which then extended to the attic and roof of this 2 story single family dwelling. Flames in all areas were extinguished in 21 minutes with 33 firefighters on scene. All occupants out, with no injuries reported.; FS 62; Batt 4; West Bureau; Council District 11; BC4 BC9 E263 E292 E62 E63 E67 RA63 RA867 T63 T92; CH9; 13; Lyndsey Lantz
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Structure Fire 03/18/2025 INC#0783

Structure Fire; INC#0783; 12:20PM; 3700 S Ocean View Av;; #MarVista; First arriving companies report a 2 story single family dwelling with light smoke showing from the second floor. Offensive mode. ; FS 62; Batt 4; West Bureau; Council District 11; BC4 BC9 E263 E292 E62 E63 E67 RA63 RA867 T63 T92; CH9; 13; Lyndsey Lantz
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Traffic 03/16/2025 INC#1451

Traffic; INC#1451; 07:11PM; 8255 S Vista Del Mar;; Playa del Rey; Two car collision resulted in one car going off the side of the road and struck a pedestrian down below. An approximately 70yo male patient has minor injuries. Unfortunately the (age unknown) female patient struck by the car is beyond medical help and determined deceased on scene. All questions are referred to LAPD Inc# 3415; FS 67; Batt 4; West Bureau; Council District 11; BC4 E205 E5 E67 EM9 RA5 RA51 RA58 RA95 T5; CH4; 13; Margaret Stewart
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KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire 03/16/2025 INC#1277

KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#1277; 05:24PM; 1648 W 11th St;; Pico-Union; KNOCKDOWN: The first arriving 30 firefighters located and extinguished (in 16 mins) a contents fire in one unit on the 2nd floor. The fire was contained and prevented from extending to other units. No injuries reported.; FS 11; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 1; AC2 AC20 BC1 BC11 BC18 E10 E11 E13 E209 E211 E215 EM11 HM21 RA11 RA13 RA813 T11 T15 T9; CH9; 13; Margaret Stewart
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Structure Fire 03/16/2025 INC#1277

Structure Fire; INC#1277; 05:09PM; 1648 W 11th St;; Pico-Union; Two-story (residential over commercial) center hall building with fire in one unit. Firefighters are in the offensive mode.; FS 11; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 1; AC2 AC20 BC1 BC11 BC18 E10 E11 E13 E209 E211 E215 EM11 HM21 RA11 RA813 T11 T15 T9; CH9; 13; Margaret Stewart
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Traffic - Hydrant 03/16/2025 INC#1073

Traffic - Hydrant; INC#1073; 02:57PM; 15350 W Nordhoff St;; North Hills; Traffic collision involving a hydrant which resulted in a large amount of water on the roof of a one-story, commercial building. The structural integrity of the building is compromised. There are no injuries reported. LA Dept of Building and Safety, SoCalGas and LADWP notified. LAPD Inc# 2470. No further details.; FS 7; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; BC12 E290 E7 RA75 T90; CH8; 17; Margaret Stewart
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Update Structure Fire 03/16/2025 INC#0603

Update Structure Fire; INC#0603; 12:21PM; 3700 S Western Av;; Exposition Park; Patient Update: The approximately 30yo female patient was transported with critical burn injuries. LAFD Arson is conducting a cause investigation. No further details.; FS 34; Batt 18; South Bureau; Council District 8; AR1 BC13 BC18 E15 E215 E26 E294 E34 EM11 RA15 RA26 RA834 T15 T26 T94; CH7; 13; Margaret Stewart
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KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire 03/16/2025 INC#0603

KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#0603; 10:36AM; 3700 S Western Av;; Exposition Park; KNOCKDOWN: The initial firefighters on scene located a mattress fire in one unit and quickly extinguished it in 12 minutes. The fire was contained to the unit of origin with no extension. Firefighters are treating and transporting an approximately 30 yo female patient in *at least* serious condition.; FS 34; Batt 18; South Bureau; Council District 8; BC13 BC18 E15 E215 E26 E294 E34 EM11 RA15 RA26 RA834 T15 T26 T94; CH9; 13; Margaret Stewart
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