
Update Structure Fire 02/25/2021 INC#0038

Update Structure Fire; INC#0038; 02:27AM; 3745 S Grand Av;; Historic South-Central; Through a closely coordinated operation, ensuring no opposing hose lines and master streams did not compromise fire attack, crews conducted an offensive operation on the exposed two story commercial building working to extinguish the fire and save a large portion of the building. The original fire unit remained a defensive operation with master streams and firefighters are now beginning a transition to more hand lines to address the remaining pockets of fire. No injuries reported. LAFD Arson investigators are on scene to conduct the cause investigation per protocol for an incident of this size. LADWP is on scene addressing the high voltage lines / transformers at the incident which were arcing and are a hazard to firefighters. ; FS 15; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 9; AR1 BC1 BC11 BC13 BC18 CM22 E13 E14 E15 E203 E210 E211 E215 E221 E226 E233 E3 E33 E34 E46 EA1 EM11 HE1 HR3 RA15 RA46 RA803 RA815 SQ21 T10 T11 T15 T21 T26 T3 T33 UR3 UR88; CH7; 13 14; Margaret Stewart
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Update Structure Fire 02/25/2021 INC#0038

Update Structure Fire; INC#0038; 01:28AM; 3745 S Grand Av;; Historic South-Central; Original fire unit is updated to a one story (100' x 200') commercial now well involved in fire with extension to the adjacent 2 story (50' x 100') commercial building. This is a defensive operation with CM22 (Central Bureau Assistant Commander) as Incident Command. Currently 99 firefighters assigned to this Greater Alarm structure fire.; FS 15; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 9; BC1 BC11 BC13 BC18 CM22 E13 E14 E15 E203 E210 E211 E215 E221 E226 E233 E3 E33 E34 E46 EM11 HR3 RA15 RA803 RA815 SQ21 T10 T11 T15 T21 T26 T3 T33 UR3 UR88; CH9; 13 14; Margaret Stewart
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Update Structure Fire 02/25/2021 INC#0038

Update Structure Fire; INC#0038; 01:17AM; 3745 S Grand Av;; Historic South-Central; Due to heavy fire now through the roof and possible loss of structural integrity, this is transitioning to a defensive operation. There is also a 2 story commercial building exposed to the fire .Two additional task forces requested. No injuries reported. ; FS 15; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 9; BC1 BC11 BC13 BC18 CM22 E13 E14 E15 E203 E210 E215 E221 E233 E3 E46 EM11 HR3 RA15 RA803 RA815 SQ21 T10 T15 T21 T3 T33 UR3 UR88; CH9; 13 14; Margaret Stewart
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Structure Fire 02/25/2021 INC#0038

Structure Fire; INC#0038; 12:50AM; 3745 S Grand Av;; Historic South-Central; Approximately a 75' x 100' commercial building with heavy fire showing. Two additional task forces requested (reflected in this alert).; FS 15; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 9; BC1 BC11 BC13 BC18 CM22 E13 E14 E15 E203 E210 E215 E221 E233 E3 E46 EM11 HR3 RA15 RA815 SQ21 T10 T15 T21 T3 T33 UR3 UR88; CH9; 13 14; Margaret Stewart
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Update General Fire - Pallet Yard 02/24/2021 INC#1218

Update General Fire - Pallet Yard; INC#1218; 06:05PM; 6309 S Central Av;; Florence; KNOCKDOWN: The additional resources were canceled while enroute. The first responding assignment achieved a knockdown of the fire in 20 minutes. The fire was prevented from extending further into the pallet yard.; FS 33; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 9; BC13 CM22 E14 E203 E21 E221 E233 E33 RA21 RA833 SQ21 T21 T3 T33 UR3; CH7; 14 15; Margaret Stewart
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Rubbish Fire - Pallet yard 02/24/2021 INC#1218

Rubbish Fire - Pallet yard; INC#1218; 05:45PM; 6309 S Central Av;; Florence; An outside fire extended into a pallet yard. Additional resources requested (two task forces) not yet reflected in this alert.; FS 33; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 9; BC13 E21 E233 E33 T33 TF21 SQ21 E14 BC11 RA833; CH7; 14; Margaret Stewart
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Update Structure Fire 02/24/2021 INC#1099

Update Structure Fire; INC#1099; 05:51PM; 5727 N Topanga Canyon Bl;; Woodland Hills; FINAL UPDATE: The fire originated in the walls between two units during a plumbing operation (sweating pipes). Firefighters contained the fire to the two units involved, defending the rest of the building. There are no injuries. No further details.; FS 84; Batt 17; Valley Bureau; Council District 3; BC10 BC14 BC15 BC17 CM42 E105 E273 E290 E293 E305 E60 E72 E84 E93 EM17 RA105 RA872 RA93 T105 T73 T90 T93; CH8; 13 17; Margaret Stewart
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Update Structure Fire 02/24/2021 INC#1099

Update Structure Fire; INC#1099; 05:18PM; 5727 N Topanga Canyon Bl;; Woodland Hills; KNOCKDOWN: 60 firefighters extinguished the fire in 43 minutes. The aggressive actions of the firefighters prevented the fire from spreading through the common attic in the connected units. There are no injuries reported. Cause and $ loss TBD. No further details.; FS 84; Batt 17; Valley Bureau; Council District 3; BC10 BC14 BC15 BC17 CM42 E105 E273 E290 E293 E305 E60 E72 E84 E93 EM17 RA105 RA872 RA93 T105 T73 T90 T93; CH9; 13 17; Margaret Stewart
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Update Structure Fire 02/24/2021 INC#1099

Update Structure Fire; INC#1099; 05:09PM; 5727 N Topanga Canyon Bl;; Woodland Hills; Two story, split level townhome complex with fire which started in one unit on the 2nd floor has extended into the attic. Interior fire attack extinguished the fire in the unit while firefighters on the roof are conducting ventilation and fire attack operations to stop the spread through the roof. Firefighters are also investigating the walls in the unit to ensure no fire is spreading up through the walls. Additional resources requested (not reflected in this alert) will bring this to a Greater Alarm level structure fire. Command 42 (Assistant Valley Bureau Commander) is now the Incident Commander. No injuries reported.; FS 84; Batt 17; Valley Bureau; Council District 3; BC10 BC15 BC17 CM42 E105 E273 E293 E305 E72 E84 E93 EM17 RA105 RA872 RA93 T105 T73 T93; CH9; 13 17; Margaret Stewart
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Update Structure Fire 02/24/2021 INC#1099

Update Structure Fire; INC#1099; 04:49PM; 5727 N Topanga Canyon Bl;; Woodland Hills; There is fire in the attic and a handline to the roof is being charged to provide fire attack to extinguish both surface fire on the roof and provide a line into the attic once de-conflicted with interior fire attack (to ensure no one is in the attic which would create dangerous steam conditions and chance of opposing hose lines). Additional resources requested. No injuries reported.; FS 84; Batt 17; Valley Bureau; Council District 3; BC10 BC15 BC17 CM42 E105 E273 E293 E305 E72 E84 E93 EM17 RA105 RA872 RA93 T105 T73 T93; CH9; 17; Margaret Stewart
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