Firefighters Prevail Over Stubborn Mandeville Fire
The cause of the fire was determined to be accidental, related to the use of equipment while performing proper brush clearance. This serves as a good reminder of the importance of brush clearance but the need to conduct it with three important tips in mind:
1) Avoid conducting brush clearance during peak hot times (this occurred just before 1PM)
2) When using lawn care equipment in brush areas, avoid use of metal blades which can cause sparks
3) Always have a fire extinguisher or water source readily available so if a spark does ignite a fire, you can put it out while it’s small and prevent spread
For additional guidance and resources, please visit LAFD Brush Clearance.
Lower photo credit: Photo Credits: Creative Commons Licensed For Your Use: LAFD Photo | Erik Scott
Dispatched units:E19 RA19 E69 E237 T37 E59 E71 E83 E23 H0F H0B RA90 EM9 BC9 BC18 T69 E269 BP19 E109 E292 T92 E43 E62 CM42 BC5 E58 E261 T61 E263 T63 E105 E99 BC11 HU59 BC10 E293 T93 BC14 E8136 E8139 E8140 E8137 E108 TP1 DT1 DZ11 WT88 E8138 RI100 RI200 H2 RA90 SU2 HU84 RA71 RA83 EM11 E90 T90 E290 HT1 AR2 E12 E26 E95 E29 E10 RA37 RM4 AR12 AR11 H7 H7 AO2 HL1 HL4 CP2 HL2 BC12 HU114 HT2 RA90 E64 E2 E61 E49 RA892 RA844 BP44 BC1 BC15 E39 E60 E33 E5 RA896 BP8 E3 E11 RA867 RT59 E15 EM11 E94 EM1 RA23 UR88 EA1 BP23 E2 BC6 E89 E21 E29 E37 E48 WT88 E63 E66 E95 E87 E12 E10 E26 E93 E98 RA58 BC2 BC5 EM11 RA3 RA77 CW3B BC18 WT77 BC5 T87 E287 E8137 T98 E298 E8140 T88 E288 E8138 E35 E8136 T89 E289 E8139 E90 E84 RA94 BP78 E85 E105 E5 BC9 BC10 BP44 E69 BC15 E63 EM11 E48 WT77 E3 E10 E11 E26 E27 E37 E94 E9 E39 E60 E93 BC6 BC5 BP47 BC11 BP28 WT88 RA17 RA19 RA92 CM42 E35 RA83 CM42 AO2 H0C E90 T90 H1 E84 E90 E35 BC9 E71 H1