
Update Structure Fire 08/14/2019 INC#0160

Update Structure Fire; INC#0160; 05:35AM; 100 E 25th St;; Historic South-Central; Over 100 firefighters are actively battling a Major Emergency structure fire. Companies are continuing to battle the fire from a defensive posture using ladder pipes and large hand lines from the exterior of the structure. The roof has partially collapsed (with no FFs inside at the time). PIO David Ortiz en route to the scene with an ETA of 15 minutes; FS 10; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 9; AR1 BC1 BC11 BC13 BC18 BC2 BC5 CM21 CM22 E10 E14 E15 E202 E203 E209 E210 E215 E221 E226 E229 E3 E33 E9 EA1 EA2 EM11 EM25 HR3 JT1 RA10 RA14 RA3 RA803 RA810 RT59 SQ21 T10 T15 T2 T21 T26 T29 T3 T9 UR3 UR88; CH9; 14 16 17; - Nicholas Prange
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Structure Fire 08/14/2019 INC#0160

Structure Fire; INC#0160; 04:29AM; 2501 S Main St;; Historic South-Central; PRELIM: Commercial building 50' x 100', fully involved with fire on all sides. Defensive mode; FS 10; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 9; BC1 BC11 BC13 BC5 CM22 E10 E14 E15 E203 E209 E210 E215 E226 E3 E9 EM11 HR3 RA10 RA3 RA803 RA810 SQ21 T10 T15 T26 T3 T9 UR3 UR88; CH9; 14 16; - Nicholas Prange
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Structure Fire 08/13/2019 INC#1453

Structure Fire; INC#1453; 08:03PM; 8867 N Moorcroft Av;; West Hills; 42 firefighters knocked down flames in the garage of a one-story single-family home in 26 minutes. A gas line had caught fire in the garage. Firefighters shut off the utilities to eliminate the hazard, while finishing the fire attack. One patient was assessed and treated for a minor laceration. No other injuries. Unknown cause/loss; FS 96; Batt 15; Valley Bureau; Council District 12; BC12 BC15 BC17 E104 E106 E273 E296 E305 EM15 RA106 RA896 RA96 T105 T73 T96; CH9; 18; - Nicholas Prange
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Update Brush Fire 08/13/2019 INC#0927

Update Brush Fire; INC#0927; 02:16PM; 17793 W Calle De Palermo;; Pacific Palisades; The forward progress of the fire has been stopped at approximately 5 acres. Fortunately, the fire conditions were favorable with 9 mph wind, 69% humidity, and 71 degree temperatures; and firefighters acted quickly by air and ground to keep this fire relatively small. No reported injuries. Cause of the fire is under investigation. MEDIA: PIO Captain Erik Scott currently remains on scene at 17785 W Calle De Palermo. Please call LAFD media line if planning to send additional crews to that location; FS 23; Batt 9; West Bureau; Council District 11; BC11 BC18 BC4 BC5 BC9 CE59 CM42 CW3A DT2 DZ12 E105 E109 E23 E263 E269 E290 E462 E59 E62 E63 E69 E84 E88 E94 EM17 H1 H4 H5 HA1 HA4 HA5 HE1 HT1 HU59 PI1 PI3 RA59 RA69 RA90 RT59 T63 T69 T90 TP1; CH5; 12 13 14; - Nicholas Prange
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Update Brush Fire 08/13/2019 INC#0927

Update Brush Fire; INC#0927; 02:16PM; 17793 W Calle De Palermo;; Pacific Palisades; PIO Erik Scott en route to the brush fire incident; FS 23; Batt 9; West Bureau; Council District 11; BC18 BC4 BC9 CE59 CM42 CW3A DT2 DZ12 E105 E109 E23 E263 E269 E290 E462 E59 E62 E63 E69 E84 E88 E94 EM17 H1 H4 H5 HA1 HA4 HA5 HE1 HT1 HU59 PI1 PI3 RA59 RA69 RA90 RT59 T63 T69 T90 TP1; CH5; 12 13 14; - Nicholas Prange
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Update Brush Fire 08/13/2019 INC#0927

Update Brush Fire; INC#0927; 02:16PM; 17793 W Calle De Palermo;; Pacific Palisades; Air and ground crews have knocked down most of the active flames in the brush fire that burned uphill and away from the nearby homes. Crews continue to work to completely eliminate all hot spots in the area that is estimated to be just over 2 acres; FS 23; Batt 9; West Bureau; Council District 11; BC18 BC4 BC9 CE59 CM42 CW3A DT2 DZ12 E105 E109 E23 E263 E269 E290 E462 E59 E62 E63 E69 E84 E88 E94 EM17 H1 H4 H5 HA1 HA4 HA5 HE1 HT1 HU59 PI1 PI3 RA59 RA69 RA90 RT59 T63 T69 T90 TP1; CH5; 12 13 14; - Nicholas Prange
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Brush Fire 08/13/2019 INC#0927

Brush Fire; INC#0927; 02:16PM; 17793 W Calle De Palermo;; Pacific Palisades; PRELIM: 1.5 acres of brush burning uphill in medium to heavy brush; FS 23; Batt 9; West Bureau; Council District 11; BC4 BC9 CW3A E23 E263 E269 E290 E462 E59 E63 E69 E84 EM17 H1 H4 H5 HA1 HA4 HA5 RA69 T63 T69 T90; CH5; 12; - Nicholas Prange
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Update Structure Fire KNOCKDOWN 08/13/2019 INC#0614

Update KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#0614; 11:17AM; 1032 S Alvarado St;; Pico-Union; 42 FF in 31 min. Firefighters encountered a fully involved 2-story structure in the back of a residential property. Initially, firefighters used defensive tactics and fought the fire from the exterior. Once it had been tamed from outside, firefighters entered the structure to complete the extinguishing operations. No reported injuries. Cause/loss TBD; FS 11; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 1; BC11 BC18 CM22 E11 E13 E210 E211 E220 E26 RA15 RA811 RA815 SQ21 T10 T11 T20; CH9; 12; - Nicholas Prange
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Structure Fire 08/13/2019 INC#0614

Structure Fire; INC#0614; 11:17AM; 2032 W Olympic Bl;; Westlake; PRELIM: 2-story craftsman-style residential structure fire with fire in the rear. Defensive mode; FS 11; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 1; BC11 BC18 CM22 E11 E13 E210 E211 E220 E26 RA15 RA811 RA815 SQ21 T10 T11 T20; CH9; 12; - Nicholas Prange
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Structure Fire 08/12/2019 INC#1080

Structure Fire; INC#1080; 03:44PM; 11552 N Aldea Av;; Granada Hills; In just 15 minutes, the first 16 firefighters quickly extinguished an attic fire in a 1,431 square-foot single-story home, despite having a limited work area on the roof due to solar panels. Firefighters too extra care to protect the family's belongings from smoke and water damage during the incident. No reported injuries. Unknown cause/loss; FS 18; Batt 15; Valley Bureau; Council District 12; BC15 E18 E275 E287 E87 RA75 RA87 T75 T87; CH8; 17; - Nicholas Prange
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