
Update Cliff Rescue 08/29/2019 INC#1165

Update Cliff Rescue; INC#1165; 04:45PM; 4102 S Pacific Av;; San Pedro; The approximately 50 year-old woman is in grave condition with severe head trauma following her ~ 70 foot fall from the cliff top to the rocky Pacific Ocean shoreline below. She has been safely hoisted into an LAFD helicopter and is being provided in-flight medical care during direct transport to a nearby trauma center. The circumstances and time of her apparent fall were not determined by the Fire Department; LAPD Harbor Division Incident #4383; FS 48; Batt 6; South Bureau; Council District 15; Dispatched LAFD Units: BC6 BT1 BT17 BT3 BT5 E101 E112 E248 E285 E48 E85 EM11 EM13 H1 H5 HA1 HA5 RA101 RA112 RA85 RA90 T48 T85 UR85 UR88 & LACoFD Baywatch Lifeguards; - Brian Humphrey
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Update Cliff Rescue 08/29/2019 INC#1165

Update Cliff Rescue; INC#1165; 04:30PM; 4102 S Pacific Av;; San Pedro; PLAN A: LAFD helicopter will soon hoist the approximately 50 year-old woman to safety while continuing in-flight medical care en route to a regional trauma center. The circumstances and time of her apparent fall, as well as the extent of her injuries have yet to be determined; FS 48; Batt 6; South Bureau; Council District 15; Radio Channels: 7; 12; - Brian Humphrey
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Update Cliff Rescue 08/29/2019 INC#1165

Update Cliff Rescue; INC#1165; 04:10PM; 4102 S Pacific Av;; San Pedro; The unknown age female is believed to have fallen an estimated 70 feet from the cliff top to the rocks at shoreline. She is conscious but unable to move. LAFD ground-based firefighter/paramedics are with her, LAFD fire boats are not far from the shoreline with a rising tide, and LAFD helicopters are en route; FS 48; Batt 6; South Bureau; Council District 15; Radio Channels: 7; 12; - Brian Humphrey
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Cliff Rescue 08/29/2019 INC#1165

Cliff Rescue; INC#1165; 04:02PM; 4102 S Pacific Av;; San Pedro; PRELIM: LAFD land, air and sea response to a female (unk age/condition/circumstances) reportedly on the rocks at shoreline after apparently falling an unknown distance; FS 48; Batt 6; South Bureau; Council District 15; Radio Channels: 7; 12; - Brian Humphrey
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Update Hiker Rescue 08/29/2019 INC#0666

Update Hiker Rescue; INC#0666; 12:06PM; Runyon Canyon - West Ridge Trail;; Hollywood Hills West; Hiker adamantly refuses a timely helicopter hoist. LAFD ground crews will continue their hike to his location, offer hydration or additional supportive care before assisting him in walking - or if necessary carrying him down hiking trails from the scene to safety. It is unclear if he will refuse offered ground transport to hospital by ambulance.; FS 41; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 4; - Brian Humphrey
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Hiker Rescue 08/29/2019 INC#0666

Hiker Rescue; INC#0666; 11:10AM; Runyon Canyon - West Ridge Trail;; Hollywood Hills West; A hovering LAFD helicopter will hoist and provide direct hospital transport for a 30 year-old male hiker who became ill; FS 41; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 4; Dispatched LAFD Units: BC5 E227 E27 E41 H1 H6 HA1 HA6 RA827 RA97 RH114 T27; Radio Channels: 7; 17; - Brian Humphrey
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Update Trapped Vehicle 08/29/2019 INC#0232

Update Trapped Vehicle; INC#0232; 05:54AM; 8952 W Pico Bl;; Pico-Robertson; Sadley, the occupant of the vehicle was determined dead on scene. LAPD responding for the investigation. All further questions = LAPD Inc 826; FS 58; Batt 18; South Bureau; Council District 5; BC18 E292 E43 E58 E68 EM9 HR3 RA43 RA58 RA92 T92; CH7; 13; Margaret Stewart
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Trapped Vehicle 08/29/2019 INC#0232

Trapped Vehicle; INC#0232; 05:54AM; 8952 W Pico Bl;; Pico-Robertson; Auto into structure with one patient (age/gender/condition unknown) requiring extrication. Building and Safety notified for evaluation of the structure; FS 58; Batt 18; South Bureau; Council District 5; BC18 E292 E43 E58 E68 EM9 HR3 RA43 RA58 RA92 T92; CH7; 13; Margaret Stewart
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Update Structure Fire 08/28/2019 INC#1154

Update Structure Fire; INC#1154; 04:46PM; 4200 W Oakwood Av;; East Hollywood; KNOCKDOWN: 33FF in 20 mins. Firefighters achieved knockdown (prior to arrival of additionally requested resources) and prevented the fire from lapping up into the 1st floor. No injuries reported. The cause and $ loss TBD. No further details; FS 6; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 13; BC1 BC11 BC5 CM22 E20 E211 E229 E235 E29 E35 E52 E6 EM11 RA35 RA52 RA806 T11 T29 T35; CH9; 12; Margaret Stewart
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Structure Fire 08/28/2019 INC#1154

Structure Fire; INC#1154; 04:26PM; 4200 W Oakwood Av;; East Hollywood; Two story apartment building over parking with fire showing from the parking garage. One additional task force requested; FS 6; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 13; BC11 BC5 E20 E229 E235 E29 E52 E6 RA52 RA806 T29 T35; CH9; 12; Margaret Stewart
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