
Update Traffic 04/05/2020 INC#1234

Update Traffic; INC#1234; 09:45PM; Sb 110 Fy;; Westlake; Sadly, the approx 30yo M patient in grave condition was beyond medical help and pronounced dead on scene. The remaining three patients declined LAFD treatment and transport. LA County Coroner will determine cause of death and the accident investigation will be handled by CHP. Any questions are directed to those two agencies. No further details; FS 3; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 1; BC1 E11 E3 EM1 RA209 RA3 RA811 RA9; CH4; 12; Margaret Stewart
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Update Traffic 04/05/2020 INC#1234

Update Traffic; INC#1234; 09:35PM; Sb 110 Fy;; Westlake; A total of four patients; approximately 30M in grave condition, one (age/gender unknown) in fair condition and two additional patients declining LAFD treatment/transport. Questions regarding the collision = CHP Log# 1971; FS 3; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 1; BC1 E11 E3 EM1 RA209 RA3 RA811 RA9; CH4; 12; Margaret Stewart
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Update Traffic 04/05/2020 INC#1234

Update Traffic; INC#1234; 09:08PM; Sb 110 Fy;; Westlake; Three car collision with preliminary reports of three patients, one in critical condition (age/gender unknown); FS 3; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 1; BC1 E11 E3 EM1 RA209 RA3 RA811 RA9; CH4; 12; Margaret Stewart
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Update Structure Fire KNOCKDOWN 04/04/2020 INC#1364

Update KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#1364; 10:22PM; 3132 E Fairmount St;; Boyle Heights; 30 LAFD firefighters battled a one-story home that was fully-involved with fire (detached garage in the rear was not burning). Firefighters ascended ladders to the roof for vertical ventilation, as crews below made entry for an interior fire attack. The flames were extinguished in 15 minutes from the time of alarm. No reported injuries. The cause is under investigation; FS 2; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 14; BC1 BC11 E16 E2 E201 E202 E25 RA2 RA25 SQ21 T1 T2; CH9; 13; -Nicholas Prange
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Structure Fire 04/04/2020 INC#1364

Structure Fire; INC#1364; 10:07PM; 3132 E Fairmount St;; Boyle Heights; PRELIM: One-story single-family home with fire showing. Offensive mode; FS 2; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 14; BC1 BC11 E16 E2 E201 E202 E25 RA2 RA25 SQ21 T1 T2; CH9; 13; -Nicholas Prange
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Update Structure Fire KNOCKDOWN 04/04/2020 INC#0842

Update KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#0842; 03:41PM; 3900 N Longridge Av;; Sherman Oaks; The first 26 firefighters extinguished a surface fire on the roof in 16 minutes, keeping the flames from spreading down into the living quarters. No reported injuries. Unknown cause/loss; FS 78; Batt 14; Valley Bureau; Council District 2; BC10 BC14 CM42 E108 E278 E288 E88 E97 E99 RA78 RA878 T78 T88; CH9; 12; -Nicholas Prange
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Structure Fire 04/04/2020 INC#0842

Structure Fire; INC#0842; 03:41PM; 3900 N Longridge Av;; Sherman Oaks; PRELIM: Large one-story single family home with fire showing. Offensive mode; FS 78; Batt 14; Valley Bureau; Council District 2; BC10 BC14 E108 E278 E88 E99 RA78 RA878 T78; CH9; 12; -Nicholas Prange
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Update Structure Fire KNOCKDOWN 04/03/2020 INC#1471

Update KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#1471; 11:46PM; 646 N Oxford Av;; East Hollywood; It took 32 firefighters just 16 minutes to extinguish the flames consuming a vacant single-family home that was found to be well-involved with fire. Firefighters performed a well-coordinated vertical ventilation with interior fire attack. No reported injuries. The cause of the fire remains unknown; FS 52; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 13; BC11 BC5 E227 E229 E52 E6 E82 RA52 RA806 T27 T29; CH7; 12; -Nicholas Prange
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Structure Fire 04/03/2020 INC#1471

Structure Fire; INC#1471; 11:30PM; 646 N Oxford Av;; East Hollywood; PRELIM: Boarded-up/vacant single-family residential structure with fire showing. Offensive mode; FS 52; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 13; BC11 BC5 E227 E229 E52 E6 E82 RA52 RA806 T27 T29; CH9; 12; -Nicholas Prange
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Structure Fire 04/03/2020 INC#1236

Structure Fire; INC#1236; 08:03PM; 950 N Cahuenga Bl;; Hollywood; 26 firefighters found light smoke coming from a one-story commercial building (with multiple occupancies) and quickly located and extinguished a small contents-only fire in 12 minutes. No reported injuries. Unknown cause/loss; FS 27; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 13; BC18 BC5 E227 E261 E27 E52 E82 RA27 RA52 T27 T61; CH7; 12; -Nicholas Prange
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