
Update Rubbish Fire KNOCKDOWN 04/21/2020 INC#0611

Update KNOCKDOWN Rubbish Fire; INC#0611; 02:08PM; 1537 S Evergreen Av;; Boyle Heights; 32 firefighters have now eliminated all active flames from an approx 50' x 75' metal scrap yard in one hour and 16 minutes. A private excavator will be assisting LAFD with overhaul for at least two hours. No reported injuries. Unknown cause/loss; FS 17; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 14; BC1 BC11 CM21 CM22 E17 E2 E202 E203 E21 E221 E25 EA1 EM1 HE1 RA2 SQ21 T2 T21 T3; CH7; 12 14; -Nicholas Prange
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Structure Fire 04/21/2020 INC#0707

Structure Fire; INC#0707; 02:20PM; 13519 W Bromwich St;; Arleta; A 1,236 sq-ft one-story single family home built in 1952 was found to have smoke showing from a fire in the attic. It took 30 firefighters 33 minutes to shield belongings in the living space below, and access/extinguish the flames in the attic. Firefighters made access from above and below to reach all areas of attic involvement. No reported injuries. The cause and dollar loss are yet to be determined; FS 7; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 6; BC12 CM42 E289 E298 E7 E81 E91 RA7 RA81 T89 T98; CH9; 15; -Nicholas Prange
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Update Rubbish Fire 04/21/2020 INC#0611

Update Rubbish Fire; INC#0611; 01:50PM; 1537 S Evergreen Av;; Boyle Heights; Approx 100 x 100 portion of a metal recycling yard on fire. The original fire engine is now on scene with three additional task forces, LAFD heavy equipment operators, and an LAFD HazMat Squad (to monitor waste runoff). Multiple large hand lines are sending a deluge of water into the yard and ladder pipe operations are being set up. This is expected to be an extended operation; FS 17; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 14; BC1 E17 E2 E202 E203 E25 HE1 RA2 T2 T3; CH9; 12; -Nicholas Prange
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Rubbish Fire 04/21/2020 INC#0611

Rubbish Fire; INC#0611; 12:52PM; 1537 S Evergreen Av;; Boyle Heights; PRELIM: Large outside rubbish fire at a recycling yard; FS 17; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 14; BC1 E17 E202 E25 T2; CH7; 12; -Nicholas Prange
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Brush Fire 04/21/2020 INC#0489

Brush Fire; INC#0489; 11:21AM; 1427 N Broadway;; Elysian Park; It took 24 firefighters just 18 minutes to extinguish approx 1/8 acre of grass on fire, moving at a slow rate of spread, near Radio Hill. No reported injury. Unknown cause/loss; FS 1; Batt 2; Central Bureau; Council District 1; BC2 BC5 E1 E201 E203 E209 E3 E4 E44 EM1 EM2 H3 H6 HA3 HA6 RA1 RA801 T1 T3 T90; CH7; 12; -Nicholas Prange
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Update Greater Alarm Structure Fire Knockdown 04/21/2020 INC#0174

Update Knockdown Greater Alarm Structure Fire; INC#0174; 05:00AM; 4498 S Leimert Bl;; Leimert Park; Address remains tentative. The first arriving of 105 assigned firefighters took just 25 minutes to extinguish exterior fire atop the 1 story 100' x 200' Vision Theater, which was under renovation. No injury. Fire cause under investigation; FS 94; Batt 18; South Bureau; Council District 10; Dispatched LAFD Units: BC1 BC13 BC18 BC4 BC5 BC9 CM22 E15 E215 E221 E227 E229 E261 E266 E27 E34 E46 E66 E68 E94 EM11 EM9 HR3 PI3 RA27 RA34 RA66 RA827 RA894 SQ21 T15 T21 T27 T29 T61 T66 UR27 UR88; - Brian Humphrey
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Greater Alarm Structure Fire 04/21/2020 INC#0174

Greater Alarm Structure Fire; INC#0174; 04:35AM; 4498 S Leimert Bl;; Leimert Park; Address Tentative. PRELIM: 1 story 100' x 200' building (Vision Theater) under renovation with heavy fire from the roof; FS 94; Batt 18; South Bureau; Council District 10; Radio Channels: 9; 12, 13; - Brian Humphrey
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Update Civilian Fatality Structure Fire 04/21/2020 INC#0071

Update Civilian Fatality Structure Fire; INC#0071; 02:45AM; 10788 N Las Lunitas Av;; Tujunga; Despite the efforts of LAFD Paramedics, the elder adult female earlier rescued by firefighters from the burning home in grave condition, proved beyond medical help, and is dead at the scene. No other injuries reported. The fire cause remains the focus of an active investigation. LAFD Public Information Officer Captain Cody Weireter is en route. Additional details forthcoming; FS 74; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; - Brian Humphrey
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Update Structure Fire Knockdown 04/21/2020 INC#0083

Update Knockdown Structure Fire; INC#0083; 02:31AM; 1766 W 25th St;; AdamsNormandie; Address *corrected* to 1766. Ninety firefighters took 30 minutes to extinguish heavy flames on the 1st floor of a 2 story vacant craftsman-style home with converted attic. No injury. Fire cause under investigation; FS 26; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 8; Dispatched LAFD Units: AR1 BC1 BC11 BC18 BC5 CM22 E11 E13 E15 E203 E211 E215 E226 E229 E26 E3 E34 EA1 EM1 EM11 HR3 RA13 RA26 RA3 RA803 RA826 SQ21 T11 T15 T26 T29 T3 UR3 UR88; - Brian Humphrey
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Update Structure Fire Knockdown 04/21/2020 INC#0071

Update Knockdown Structure Fire; INC#0071; 02:16AM; 10788 N Las Lunitas Av;; Tujunga; 39 firefighters took 37 minutes to extinguish flames, confining fire within a 1,080 square-foot one-story home containing excessive storage. One adult female civilian rescued by LAFD responders in grave condition is still being treated inside the ambulance at scene. No other injury. Fire cause under investigation; FS 74; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; Dispatched LAFD Units: AR2 BC12 E24 E260 E274 E298 E77 E98 EM14 RA74 RA77 RA874 T60 T74 T98 + LACoFD ; - Brian Humphrey
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