
Update Structure Fire KNOCKDOWN 12/03/2020 INC#1495

Update KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#1495; 08:17PM; 530 E 62nd St;; Florence; 36 firefighters responded swiftly to extinguish two palm trees that were casting embers on two nearby one-story commercial buildings (constructed in 1924 and 1941). The fire did penetrate inside both structures, but due to the efforts of firefighters and automatic fire sprinklers, the damage was not widespread. Ultimately 36 firefighters eliminated all fire in 21 minutes. No reported injuries. The cause of the fire is under investigation.; FS 33; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 9; BC11 BC13 E14 E221 E233 E46 E57 RA33 RA833 SQ21 T21 T33; CH9; 13; Nicholas Prange
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Structure Fire 12/03/2020 INC#1495

Structure Fire; INC#1495; 07:56PM; 530 E 62nd St;; Florence; Two palm trees on fire exposing two adjacent commercial buildings to flames.; FS 33; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 9; BC11 BC13 E14 E221 E233 E46 E57 RA33 RA833 SQ21 T21 T33; CH7; Nicholas Prange
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Red Flag Parking Restrictions LIFTED 12/04/2020

Red Flag Parking Restrictions LIFTED; 08:00AM; Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone; Los Angeles; After an updated evaluation of the weather and wind forecast for the City, the LAFD has LIFTED the Red Flag parking restrictions effective 8:00 AM tomorrow, December 4, 2020. As always, you may visit for current status in Los Angeles. This status change will be reflected in real time (the flag will turn from red to green at 8:00 AM tomorrow morning).; Nicholas Prange
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Update Structure Fire KNOCKDOWN 12/03/2020 INC#0450

Update KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#0450; 09:42AM; 2919 S Carmona Av;; West Adams; A swift response by 30 LAFD firefighters resulted in the flames being extinguished in only 12 minutes. Firefighters successfully protected nearby structures from the intense heat and flames consuming a detached garage. There were no reports of occupants inside and firefighters found no patients. The cause of the fire is under investigation.; FS 94; Batt 18; South Bureau; Council District 10; BC11 BC18 E261 E294 E58 E61 E94 RA834 RA894 RA92 T61 T94; CH9; 12; Nicholas Prange
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Structure Fire 12/03/2020 INC#0450

Structure Fire; INC#0450; 09:30AM; 2122 S Carmona Av;; Mid-City; Detached garaged fully engulfed with flames, exposing another structure.; FS 68; Batt 18; South Bureau; Council District 10; BC11 BC18 E261 E294 E58 E61 E94 RA834 RA894 RA92 T61 T94; CH9; 12; Nicholas Prange
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Fatality Structure Fire 12/03/2020 INC#0077

Fatality Structure Fire; INC#0077; 01:57AM; 1749 S Kelton Av;; Westwood; 37 LAFD firefighters responded to find smoke showing from a two-story garden-style apartment building. Firefighters found the fire in the rear of the second floor and extinguished the flames in 28 minutes (at 2:25 AM). Two patients were found and, sadly, one had perished, while the other was transported by firefighter-paramedics to a local hospital in critical condition. Per protocol, LAFD arson investigators are on scene for a thorough investigation. LAPD Inc# 385. PIO Firefighter David Ortiz is en route for media inquiries. ; FS 37; Batt 9; West Bureau; Council District 5; AR2 BC18 BC9 CM42 E261 E292 E37 E59 E71 EM14 EM9 PH1 PI2 RA37 RA59 RA837 RA92 T61 T92; CH7; 12; Nicholas Prange
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Update Structure Fire KNOCKDOWN 12/02/2020 INC#1641

Update KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#1641; 11:55PM; 11860 S Main St;; Broadway-Manchester; LAFD found an approximately 30-foot RV engulfed in flames with several buildings and vehicles close by. Firefighters skillfully protected an adjacent commercial building and single-family home from the flames. One vehicle and an auto garage sustained damage. 31 firefighters extinguished the fires in 20 minutes. Two adult patients with serious burn injuries were transported by firefighter-paramedics to a nearby hospital. Per protocol for burn injuries, LAFD arson investigators are responding. Unknown dollar loss. The cause of the fire is under investigation.; FS 64; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 15; BC13 E221 E233 E264 E57 E64 E65 EM13 RA257 RA264 RA64 RA864 SQ21 T21 T33 T64; CH7; 12; Nicholas Prange
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Structure Fire 12/02/2020 INC#1641

Structure Fire; INC#1641; 11:35PM; 11860 S Main St;; Broadway-Manchester; An RV fire has extended into at least one nearby structure. Offensive mode. Two patients are on scene being evaluated by firefighter-paramedics.; FS 64; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 15; BC13 E221 E233 E264 E57 E64 E65 RA264 RA864 T21 T33 T64; CH9; 12; Nicholas Prange
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Update Greater Alarm Structure Fire KNOCKDOWN 12/02/2020 INC#1209

Update KNOCKDOWN Greater Alarm Structure Fire; INC#1209; 07:28PM; 506 E 9th St;; Downtown; After almost two hours, over 100 firefighters have eliminated the flames set deep within the building. Firefighters performed salvage early in the incident, covering items in businesses on the first floor to protect them from water damage. The second floor (and attic) took a majority of the fire damage, burning mostly business offices and textiles. Firefighters protected all nearby buildings from the flames and saved one feline, who was reunited with its owner. Fire crews will remain on scene throughout the night to ensure there are no hidden hot spots able to reignite. There were no injuries and the cause of the fire is under investigation.; FS 9; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 14; AR2 BC1 BC11 BC13 BC18 BC2 BC5 CM22 E10 E11 E17 E2 E203 E209 E21 E210 E220 E227 E235 E3 E4 E9 EA1 EA2 EM1 EM13 EM9 HR3 PH1 PI3 RA10 RA17 RA209 RA33 RA803 RA809 RA810 RA9 SQ21 T10 T20 T27 T3 T35 T9 UR3 UR88; CH7; 13 14; Nicholas Prange
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Update Greater Alarm Structure Fire 12/02/2020 INC#1209

Update Greater Alarm Structure Fire; INC#1209; 07:20PM; 506 E 9th St;; Downtown; Firefighters continue to battles flames in the commercial structure. Ladder pipes and other master streams have been discontinued, to allow crews to re-enter the building with hand lines and transition back to offensive tactics. The majority of the flames are out. Firefighters will continue to search for and eliminate all pockets of fire.; FS 9; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 14; AR2 BC1 BC11 BC13 BC18 BC2 BC5 CM22 E10 E11 E17 E2 E203 E209 E21 E210 E220 E227 E235 E3 E4 E9 EA1 EA2 EM1 EM13 EM9 HR3 PH1 PI3 RA10 RA17 RA209 RA33 RA803 RA809 RA810 RA9 SQ21 T10 T20 T27 T3 T35 T9 UR3 UR88; CH9; 13 14; Nicholas Prange
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