Members of the Los Angeles Fire Department are trained in the use of a defibrillator, a device that externally shocks the human heart out of a fatal rhythm, allowing a normal, healthy rhythm to resume. Despite local advances that quicken our emergency response, the men and women of the LAFD may not always arrive in time to administer this life-saving treatment.
Any person with access to an automated external defibrillator (AED) can use it to save a life. The AED is now compact, lightweight and affordable. It is a device any member of the public can use as you only have to follow the simple voice commands the AED provides.
The LAFD has over 1,500 AEDs in facilities the public accesses for business and recreation in the City of Los Angeles. This includes parks, recreation centers, golf courses, public buildings and the Los Angeles International Airport.
Local AED training is coordinated through these Los Angeles offices:
- American Heart Association in Los Angeles: (213) 291-7000
- American Red Cross training in Los Angeles: (800) 627-7000
Sudden cardiac arrest can strike anyone, anytime, anywhere...but not without a fight in the City of Los Angeles!
If you would like information regarding the City of Los Angeles Public Access Defibrillator Program or if you are a City employee who would like information on AED training, please contact:
Program Manager, Public Access Defibrillator Program
Los Angeles Fire Department
200 N. Main St. Room 1880
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office: (213) 978-3486
Fax: (213) 978-3818
Email: lafdpad@lacity.org
Public Access Defibrillator Program office hours are Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m