CalARP Regulatory Overview

Please complete this CalARP Registration Form to register or update information for your CalARP facility. Completed forms can be emailed to
The California Accidental Release Prevention Program (CalARP) was implemented on January 1, 1997, and replaced the California Risk Management and Prevention Program (RMPP). The main objective of the CalARP program is to prevent accidental releases of those substances determined to potentially pose the greatest risk of immediate harm to the public and the environment, and to minimize the consequences if releases do occur. These substances are called regulated substances and include both flammable and toxic hazardous materials listed on the Federal Regulated Substances for Accidental Release Prevention and on the State of California Regulated Substances lists. Businesses that handle regulated substances in industrial processes above threshold quantity levels are subject to CalARP program requirements.
The CalARP program requires businesses to have planning activities that are intended to minimize the possibility of an accidental release by encouraging engineering and administrative controls. It is further intended to mitigate the consequences of an accidental release, by requiring owners or operators of facilities to develop and implement an accident prevention program. Subsequently, the owner or operator may be required to develop and submit a Risk Management Plan (RMP) to the LAFD. CalARP program staff determines the level of detail in the RMPs, reviews all applicable components of RMPs to ensure completeness and adequacy, conducts facility inspections, and provides public access to the information. CalARP Program implementation is accomplished through close coordination between LAFD and regulated businesses.
The CalARP program encompasses both the federal “Risk Management Program,” established in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Part 68, and the State of California program, in accordance with Title 19 of the California Code of Regulations, Division 2, Chapter 4.5.
For more information on CalARP, please visit the CalEPA website
