Train Vs Pedestrian 02/20/2025 INC#0531

Train Vs Pedestrian; INC#0531; 09:31AM; 742 N Mission Rd;; #BoyleHeights; LAFD resources responded to two locations following reports of a pedestrian hit by a train. Resources near 1888 N Baker St found no evidence of a patient or train in that location; companies near 742 N Mission Rd located a deceased person and a Metrolink train carrying passengers. All persons on the train were assessed for injuries, with no hospital transports. CHP #650, LAPD #1527; FS 2; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 14; BC1 BC2 E16 E2 E201 E4 E47 EM2 HR3 RA12 RA13 RA47 RA55 T1 T2; CH7; 13; Lyndsey Lantz
