LAFD members being sworn in

Professional Standards

Your Los Angeles Fire Department seeks to serve the residents of Los Angeles with courage, integrity and pride. As with any organization utilizing thousands of employees, it is prudent that we take measures to ensure the mission of the department meets your fundamantal requirements and expectations. As such, we have developed and manage a Professional Standards Division.
If you would like to commend a member of the department for a job well done, please download and complete this form: LAFD Commendation Form
If you have a complaint or concern about the conduct or service rendered by a member of the department, click on this link: Submit A Complaint
You may also contact:
Los Angeles Fire Department
Professional Standards Division
201 N. Figueroa St., Suite 1200 
Los Angeles, CA 90012
3-1-1 [ In Los Angeles ]
Professional Standards Division Contact:
213.202.3190 [ Direct Line ]
213.202.3198 [ Direct FAX ]
